
Do you ever wish your child had come with a personalized parenting manual?

Would you like to have a personal parenting coach to teach you tools and help you know what to do as a parent? 

Are you ready to learn mental and emotional tools that help to heal parent/child relationships, focus on positive parenting, and bring peace to your home?

Do you need specialized ideas for your child who is deaf or hard-of-hearing or has other individual needs? 

Would you like someone to hold you accountable and make sure you follow through with the changes you are making? 

If you answered YES to any of those questions. . . You deserve to Mentor with me!

My mentoring programs look at where you are in life and where you want to go. I focus on helping you find a parenting style that fits YOU and your children. I use techniques taught by The Happiest Toddler on the Block by Harvey Karp, M.D., Liberated Parents, Liberated Children by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Accountable Kids by Scott W. Heaton, LMFT, and Positive Parenting by Dr. Glen Latham. 

I am not a licensed psychologist. I AM a parent. I was once where you are now. I have spent the last 10 years parenting my children. I have searched, like you, for answers and ways to best teach and raise my children. I have read books, attended trainings, and embarked on a journey of health and healing in our home. My children are still young. I am in this with you!

I am also an educator. I have learned and used many behavioral tools in the classroom and at home. There are many I like, and some that I do NOT like. I have not adopted one philosophy of parenting over another, but have blended many ideas to create a style that is best for me and my family. As your Mentor, I will assist you, as a parent, to explore different parenting styles and find what fits YOU, YOUR children and YOUR family. 

I have also been trained on amazing mental and emotional tools that are used by great thinkers, trainers and mentors today. These mentor tools help move you forward to success in reaching your goals, improving relationships and focusing on the positive. I have, and continue to learn from, my own mentors and am constantly improving my life day to day. 

My mission is to empower parents in their vital role. Whether you realize it yet or not, you are the most powerful person in your child’s life. 

When you mentor with me,
. . .  YOU will learn tools and strategies to help move you forward in your journey. 
. . . I will join you on your journey and teach you what you need to know to be successful.
Working together, your goals and dreams become possible!

Getting Started: Three 45 min sessions where we assess your parent/child relationship, pinpoint areas of improvement, set goals and a plan to achieve them, and learn vital mentoring tools to aid you on your way.
$150  Opening Special: $75

Moving Forward: Five 45 min sessions: All of  “Getting Started” PLUS we will identify problem situations in the home and explore ways to overcome them. Different home behavior/reward systems are explored, resulting in greater harmony for all.
$200   Opening Special: $100

Natural Solutions for Parents: Seven 45 min sessions: ALL OF “Moving Forward” PLUS add a specific focus as we look at how to add natural solutions and healing to your role in the home. Essential Oil and supplement routines are explored for you, and your children.
$250  Opening Special: $125

To get started, fill out the contact form on the right! I will be in touch with you promptly.

Also watch for FREE conference calls with great information, tips and mentoring tools!
It's HERE!

Powerful Parent Mentoring is a part of Deaf Sense

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